The containers collected each year under the deposit return system are cleaner and colour separated. The Ontario Deposit Return Program ensures that more glass is recycled into high value products (bottles or fibreglass) rather than used as road aggregate or landfilled due to contamination.
The program's deposit incentive also enhances the Blue Box by increasing the number of containers that are recycled. It builds on the success of Ontario's renowned Blue Box system by:
Freeing up space in the Blue Box giving municipalities room to expand their recycling programs
Making for fewer and lighter walks to the curb
Myth Busters:
The Facts on the Ontario Deposit Return Program
Myth #1
The Deposit Return program looks like an attempt by the Ontario
government to introduce a tax on wine and spirits.
It’s not. The deposit you’ll pay on wine and spirit containers at
the LCBO is not a tax, it’s a deposit which will be fully refunded
to you once you
return your empties to The Beer Store.
With Deposit Return, every Ontarian can help the environment by
reducing the
amount of waste we send to landfills.
The program ensures that more glass will be
recycled into high value
products (bottles or fibreglass) rather than be used as road
aggregate or
sent to landfills due to contamination.
Myth #2
The Blue Box isn’t doing the job it was intended to do.
To the contrary, Ontario’s Blue Box program is very successful. In
fact, today, 25
years after it was introduced, it is acclaimed the world over as one
of the most
recognizable symbols of environmental responsibility. Thanks to the
Blue Box,
we’ve made exceptional progress in diverting our waste in this
province and
millions of Ontarians have changed their views and -- more important
-- their
habits with respect to environmental stewardship.
enhances the Blue Box program, helps to increase the number of wine
and spirit
containers that are recycled, and frees up space in Blue Boxes,
municipalities to expand recycling programs.
Myth #3
The government stands to make a fortune from deposits that are never
redeemed by customers.
Deposits that are left un-claimed by customers will be put right
back into
financing the Deposit Return program -- it’s that simple. However,
the purpose
and the mandate of Deposit Return is to help the environment so we
encourage consumers to return their empties. They will be helping to
containers out of landfills.
Myth #4
Deposit return won’t make much difference to the province’s waste
In fact, Deposit Return significantly increases the amount of
wine and spirit
containers that are recycled in Ontario. Containers collected under
the deposit return system are cleaner and colour separated. More
containers will be put to high end use.
Furthermore, putting a value on wine and spirit containers encourages
recycling in licensed establishments.
To find out which items are eligible for return, click here.