Almost all wine, beer and spirit containers purchased in Ontario on or after February 5, 2007, can be returned to The Beer Store (or other designated Bulk Return Locations) for a full deposit refund. This includes glass bottles, bag-in-box, Tetra Pak containers, plastic bottles (PET), and aluminum and steel containers on which deposits have been charged.

Wine, beer and spirit containers purchased before February 5, 2007, do not carry a deposit and are not eligible for a refund.

Ontario Deposit Return Program Summary

Eligible containers
(glass bottles, plastic bottles (PET), Tetra Pak containers, bag-in-box, aluminum and steel containers)

Deposit/Refund Amount

  • Containers less than or equal to 630mL
  • Aluminum and steel containers less than or equal to 1L


  • Containers over 630mL
  • Aluminum and steel containers over 1L


Exempt containers

  • Containers with a volume of 100mL or less (e.g., 50mL minis)
  • Containers purchased at duty-free stores, U-Vint and U-Brew

No deposit collected or refund offered for these items.

Easy Return Tips

  1. Do not remove labels from your empty wine/beer/spirit containers.
  2. Store them in a dry, safe location using a bag, a box or bin.